[HackTheBox] Bastard
This was the first medium box on TJNull’s list and it’s one of my absolute favourites.

Manual Enumeration made me pretty sure that we had to implement drupalgeddon. Since the scripts from searchsploit were not working, I used msfconsole. However :( They didn't work either.
After a lot of deliberation and senseless enumeration(reading release docs), I started looking at Drupal exploits on GitHub.
I came across one I had never tried before. EXPLOIT.

Instant shell.

Privilege Escalation:
The first thing I do on a windows box is whoami /priv to check for PrintSpoofer exploit, and voila

Sadly PrintSpoofer didn't seem to want to work.
After some more attempts and some reading on this privilege, I came across an article which made me realize that my executable wont work on this particular OS Version.
So basically next thing I did was google “SeImpersonatePrivilege Exploit”.
I found a pretty nice guide.

I think the second CLSID worked for me and I got a reverse shell as system user.

Note: I executed root.exe and it was not working. This took around 10 attempts since I was getting a connection but not a shell. After reading the walkthrough given by hackthebox it seems a bat file pointing towards this binary was a sure shot way of getting a reverse shell and well I tried it out and yes it did.